Paua is supporting two major climate action initiatives: the Running Out of Time relay, a 2,661km journey promoting climate awareness, and the e-Rib challenge, showcasing electric boat propulsion. Both events highlight the importance of renewable energy solutions in tackling climate change.
Paua to support pioneering electric and climate challenges with Paua EV re-charging solution
Paua is fast becoming known as the leading provider of electric vehicle recharging solutions to electric and climate change challenges.
Paua will support the Running Out of Time relay baton which will travel 2,661km from Ben Nevis to Big Ben in an extraordinary sporting celebration in the name of climate action.
In addition Paua is supporting the ground crew of the e-Rib challenge aims to support the marine industry’s transition to electric propulsion for leisure and small commercial craft.
Running out of time
Running Out of Time will be the biggest sporting celebration of climate action and nature ever attempted across Britain. Taking place between June 10th and July 11th, thousands of runners, walkers, wheelers and cyclists will relay the baton 2,661km from Ben Nevis to Big Ben; inspiring the nation to take collective action NOW to reach net zero!
Paua is supporting the relay through provision of it’s market leading EV re-charging solution. Paua’s fully renewable energy backed charge card and mobile app ensures that the relay has continuous coverage of EV charging solutions for their support vehicles; a Nissan Ariya provided by Drive Electric. Paua’s coverage is across all 50 cities & towns and a range of National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and will feature visits to historic landmarks, stunning natural sites, schools, universities, community projects, cutting edge technology, and sporting venues that the relay visits.
Running Out of Time Co-Founder Dan Thompson says “Our aim is to highlight the incredible climate action work taking place across Britain and use the power of sport to literally connect these projects with an unbroken chain of participants. Running Out of Time symbolises the very essence of climate action - it’s an extraordinary, bold, ambitious plan that will only succeed because everyone has worked together. I know we can do it!”
eRib challenge
Meanwhile the eRib challenge is demonstrating the future of electric propulsion through 17 year old skipper from Taunton, Somerset. The skipper, Harry Besley, will attempt to drive an electric boat around Britain in Summer 2023. Setting off from Lyme Regis in Dorset, the team will be using a unique combination of shoreside infrastructure and on-water charging.
The eRib environmental challenge originated from the lack of an alternative to fossil fuel propulsion in the small leisure powerboat sector. The electric RIB being built specifically for the Challenge will be used to showcase the capabilities of electric propulsion in UK coastal waters as well as encourage the installation of charging infrastructure.
“I believe that we cause too much damage to the world, and I want to change that.” Harry Besley, 17, the Round Britain eRIB Skipper and Marketing Manager attempting this world first.
Paua will again be supplying charge cards to the ground team to support recharging whilst traveling around the UK's coast.
Paua CEO Niall Riddell stated “Tackling climate change is what my career has been based on to date. Support the Running Out of Time relay is completely logical for us as it showcases our simple charging solution whilst allowing the event organisers to get on with the task of engaging the public in the challenge we face with climate change. Plus our solution ensures that the rally and the eRib challenge to remain as green as possible with our Paua renewable energy guarantee”.
Become involved in the Running out of Time Rally
To sign-up for a stage of the relay and become a Batonbearer visit
Who can run? Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to sign-up to the relay route. They will need to be able maintain an average pace of 6 minutes 15 seconds per kilometre / 10 minutes per mile for the duration of a stage.
Key dates
Registration opens: From May 11th 2023
Start date: Saturday 10th June 2023, Ben Nevis, Scotland.
End date: Tuesday 11th July 2023, Parliament Square, London
Key facts
Duration: 32 days // Distance: 2,661km // Number of stages: 374 // Distance per stage (Avg.): 7km // Sports involved: Running, cycling, walking, mountain biking, skiing, kayaking, rowing, paragliding,
Follow on Social media: Instagram @climaterelay | Facebook @climaterelay | Twitter @climate_relay

Highlights of the relay include;
1. Relay baton has the live ‘Climate Clock’ built into it, designed by award-winning product design architects Bang Creations.
2. ITV’s weather team will be covering the opening and closing days and checking-in at various points along the route - keep an eye out for us!
3. Ascending Ben Nevis and visiting iconic landmarks such as The Kelpies, Edinburgh Castle, Sage Gateshead, Angel of the North, York City Walls, Warwick Castle, Bath Abbey, Hampton Court Palace, Royal Botanic Gardens, Buckingham Palace, and the Olympic Park.
4. The baton will be moved via a dozen sports; running, cycling, walking, wheeling, wild swimming, surfing at The Wave, paddling at the National Water Sports Centre, mountain biking, skiing, paragliding, dragon boat racing and Morris dancing.
5. Wonderful nature sites such as RSPB St Aidan's, Scottish Seabird Centre, reforestation at Dumyat, Attenborough Nature Reserve, Crymlyn Bog in Swansea and WWT's London Wetland Centre.
6. Etienne Stott, Gold medallist at the London 2012 Olympics (Canoe Slalom), environmental activist and campaigner, will be paddling with the baton at the National Water Sports Centre (Nottingham)
7. Paralympian, Anna Turney, is skiing with the baton in Birmingham
8. The Relay is among the largest events taking place during Great Big Green Week (10-18 June)
9. Visiting the UK’s tallest wind turbine (Bristol)
10. Two inspiring 'Community & Climate Connect' events showcasing eco-friendly volunteering opportunities in Edinburgh (with Dr Heather "The Weather" Reid OBE) and Cardiff.
11. Together with Let’s Go Zero, Earth Cubs and #ShowYourStripes, we’re launching a National Schools Action Day on the 21st June, when hundreds of schools will join together in a national celebration of the incredible work that is taking place to combat climate change and biodiversity loss.
Become involved in the eRib challenge
How to support the eRib challenge
• Do you want to be a location sponsor? The team are looking for sponsors at each STOP locations. Attached is a flyer that could be circulated to local business groups and do please contact with any contact details of those who might be able to support us. The highlight here is in signing the witness log book for submission to the two record bodies we are working with, and the local media photo opportunity that comes with it.
• Sponsor the console. For £100 members of the public, local sailing clubs, youth groups, schools and colleges can get your name on the boats console. The more messages of support we have on the boat the more this becomes a broader campaign.

More details at the following links