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Find, charge, and pay - EV charging away from your own facilities.

Niall Riddell
16 Apr
4 minutes
4 minutes


Paua's Fleet Manager Guide offers 13 insider tips for businesses transitioning to electric vehicles, emphasizing the importance of public charging solutions and effective management of multiple charging networks. Key insights include understanding charging locations and streamlining payment processes to simplify EV adoption

  • Paua prepared a full fleet managers guide including "13 insider tips". These blogs break down insights from the experience of the Paua Rangers team over hundreds of hours of engagement with businesses switching to electric vehicles
  • Paua tip - a requirement that every business adopting electric vehicles needs to consider

EV drivers undertake three steps when charging their vehicle in public; find, charge, and pay

It’s common for businesses to start with workplace or home-based charging when they switch to electric vehicles. This can work for a small number of vehicles, but it can be difficult and expensive to scale up (you might need to upgrade your power connection and buy new chargers). In addition, not all homes have off-street parking. As more electric vehicles are on the road, you need to think about how you will charge them when they are away from your own facilities.

Paua Tip: When deciding where would be best for electric vehicle drivers to charge up you must consider the location of charging points; open to the public e.g. on-street and forecourt, those on private land e.g. home charging, and at the workplace e.g. office or depot charging stations. Charging is a new landscape and understanding language is key.

Our 3 step process to charging a vehicle in public is as simple as:

#1 Finding Electric Vehicle Charge Points

Electric car chargers are not always easy to find. They can be in a distant car park or a forgotten corner of a plot of land. The driver must check that the charger has the right connector for their car and that it can charge fast enough for the time they have available. The driver wants to know that the charger is not broken and someone else is not using it. Drivers should have one place where they can find information about all the charging stations in their area. Mobile apps are an effective way to get this information to drivers.  

#2 Charging Across Multiple Different Charging Networks

There are over 80 different charging networks in the UK. Each of these networks has its own app, its own card and potentially its own subscription. This requires users to have multiple apps, cards, and subscriptions. If the driver does not have this app or card then they need to apply to access the charger or move on to the next location.  

#3 Paying To Charge - To Manage EV Payments

The apps, cards and subscriptions need a linked way to pay in the background. Sometimes, you can use a credit card to start the machine. But if a receipt is required, then they must call someone or fill out a form online. Having one bill for all the charging data across a business makes things simpler and easier to understand. Data on charging can be combined with other information, like how far the driver went and where.

For more information on how Paua address all 3 steps in a single easy to use solution, check out our free comprehensive ‘Fleet Manager Guide with 13 Insider Tips To Help You Transition To EVs’ HERE.

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13 insider tips to transition to electric vehicles

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