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Charge My Street joins Paua EV charge card

Niall Riddell
9 Jun
2 minutes
2 minutes


Charge My Street has joined Paua, the UK's largest independent EV roaming network, enabling businesses to easily access over 100 charging points across England. This integration streamlines the EV charging experience, allowing for convenient payment and VAT claims. The partnership emphasizes community empowerment and supports the growth of electric vehicle infrastructure.

Charge My Street join Paua EV charge card

Charge My Street are delighted to join the UK’s largest independent electric vehicle roaming network for businesses, Paua. The integration onto the roaming network means those using an electric vehicle for business can now take advantage of Charge My Street’s network across England using their Paua card or App.

Charge My Street, a community benefit society, based in the North- West, join large chargepoint operators such as  Osprey, Fastned, Ionity, Connected Kerb,, and Mer. Paua allows businesses using EV’s as part of their fleet to easily pay for EV charging, obtain receipts, and claim VAT refunds when using Charge My Street’s public charging network of 100+ sockets across Lancashire, Cumbria and across England.

Daniel Heery, Director of Charge My Street said: “We’re really excited to be part of Paua’s EV roaming network. The integration allows a seamless transition for those charging at their local chargepoints as well when visiting our chargepoints across England”

“As Charge My Street continue to provide a solution for those without access to off-street parking, we need to make sure the experience is seamless, Paua offers this to users”

Paua’s founders met whilst working in community energy so they recognise and support the value that a cooperative approach can bring to new energy ecosystems. Community bodies engender a sense of empowerment locally which, creates enhanced benefits in society beyond the cleaner air and climate change effects from driving electric vehicles.

André Pinho, CTO and Co-Founder of Paua said “As a current Director of a community energy group and a long term advocate, I am delighted to see this business model being implemented for electric vehicle charging. This partnership further cements Paua’s role in the EV ecosystem as a collaborative, technology led charging solution for businesses”.

Anyone wishing to suggest another site that would be a good host for a charge point should go to

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